Mrs Kelly Clunn and Ms Natalie LaGarde | Assistant Principal's Wellbeing
Mrs Kelly Clunn and Ms Natalie LaGarde | Assistant Principal's Wellbeing
Open Parachute
This term our Year 8 and Year 10 students participated in the Open Parachute program. This was presented to classes by members of the well-being team. Year 8 completed lessons on bullying and boundary setting and Year 10 focused on adversity and resilience. Open Parachute is a mental health and well-being program created for schools. The goal of the program is to teach practical mental health skills to students. The focus is on prevention, giving students to opportunity to practice skills for addressing any current or future challenges that might impact mental health. This program has been funded by The Sebastian Foundation. Next term Year 7 will have the opportunity to start the program.
As part of this package, we have a parent resources program which is targeted at different ages and is designed to help support parents during difficult situations. The package includes 30 min sessions that you can work through at any time on topics such as self-esteem, acting out, mental health, boundaries and consent and addictive patterns. The information package for this is attached
Click on the “View resources” button on page three, then add in your email address to get started.
Gratitude Walls
This term Chev has taken the time to focus on the importance of gratitude in our lives. Home Rooms have created Gratitude Jars and undertaken the weekly practice of writing notes of gratitude for aspects of our lives. This week we’ve celebrated all the wonderful things we are grateful for by creating a Gratitude wall and pinning up our notes of gratitude. We encourage our Chev students and families to share moments of gratitude throughout the holiday break.
Please see some of the examples below.