Wellbeing Report
Andre Campbell
Wellbeing Report
Andre Campbell
In the mornings many parents are hunting down lost jumpers and it helps staff if clothing is clearly labelled for a swift return. Staff place lost property in the alcove near the staffroom and parents are most welcome to seek out lost items. For students wearing a different pair of shoes due to their shoes being wet, this is fine and parents do not need to lodge an out of uniform pass on COMPASS.
Across the week we have a number of opportunities for students to feel supported with their friendships whether it’s during break times out in the yard/electives or speaking to our welfare team. If you have any questions or are looking for tips please speak to staff. We really hope your children come home from school happy to talk and share their day with you.
In case you did not know, Jeanette our Chaplain works with our local businesses to raise community awareness of family needs. We all know everyone is feeling stretched and we were thrilled to receive a cheque for $3000.00 from ADCare Op Shop run by the Seven Day Adventist Church in Warburton. This money will help many families get their children to camp and we are so grateful to have ADCare Op Shop supporting the school. For parents looking for any bric or brac or second hand items, please see Dwayne at the ADCare Op Shop in Warburton.
How Much Sleep Do Children Need?
Babies: at least 15 hours sleep and up to 20 when they are very young
Toddlers & Pre-schoolers (1 - 5): about 12 to 14 hours sleep
Primary School: about 10 to 12 hours sleep
High School: at least 8 hours but up to 10 hours sleep
Many children complain when they come to school that they are tired, couldn’t get to sleep or they had a late night. This impacts on their ability to tune in and retain their learning and it can affect their relationships and problem solving skills. As adults we understand how we are affected when we are over tired and I would like to encourage parents to actively have reasonable expectations about bedtime routines.
It is not unusual for children to have night-time worries, which can prevent them from getting to sleep easily. Whatever the cause of the bedtime problems, it is important that families stick to clear rules about a bedtime routine. It's important to discuss and agree on a sleep strategy for your child with your partner beforehand and work together as a team to carry it out consistently.
If you are starting a new sleep routine for your child, make them a part of the team by explaining the new plan to them if they are old enough to understand. For a young child, try using a picture chart to help your child learn the new routine, showing actions like changing clothes, brushing their teeth and reading a book.
Praise your child and reinforcing good behaviour will also help to improve bedtime problems. There are a number of strategies that can help them overcome their night-time worries. There are many app’s available for parents to download such as Smiling Minds, Calm and Head Space.
For parents looking to purchase second hand uniform you can contact the office or the Wellbeing Team any time, Monday through to Friday. We are happy to make up bags (providing we have the stock) if parents cannot get to the school for our sales.
We can help families who are experiencing financial hardship to purchase school uniform. Please email Kristy from Wellbeing Team for assistance at- Kristy.Malcolm@education.vic.gov.au
The Department of Education has made some changes to the National Student Wellbeing Program in schools. For parents and carers interested, you need to sign a consent form in order for Jeanette Nortcliffe to see your child. Jeanette.Nortcliffe@education.vic.gov.au
Fruit are available in the classrooms for students to eat. Every week, Food Bank supply the school with a variety of fresh fruit including apples, oranges, pears and carrots.
We are rolling up our sleeves to start a community pantry food drive. In our community, we know many families are doing it tough and we would like broaden the range in our community pantry. We kindly ask our school community, if you are in a position to do so, to donate non-perishable items to community pantry food drive. Donations can be dropped off at the school office. Items which will help families include-
All students can come to school early and have breakfast at school. The Breakfast Club program is run by Jeanette, our school chaplain, Sandy Walter our German teacher and our team of volunteer parents. Food Bank supply breakfast items including a range of breakfast cereals, bread, fresh fruit, tins of spaghetti and other staples. Parents are most welcome to walk their children down to check out the range of choices that are be offered. To avoid disappointment, please try to drop your child off by 8:30am. Breakfast Club must close at 8:45am in order for the classrooms to start.
We are thrilled that parents are accessing our school pantry. In time for assembly, we are opening the community pantry every Friday afternoon from 2:15pm.
If you did not know, Food Bank generously supply our Breakfast Club program and they are continuing to supply our community pantry. On Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 2:30pm-3:30pm, parents and carers can come along and meet Jeanette, our chaplain to pick up some food items. We have a variety of breakfast staples including long life milk, cereals, soups, rice dishes and fruit. All families will need to do is bring their own bags. If you know someone going through a rough patch please reach out and let the Wellbeing Team know. For parents interested in getting a hamper please email the Wellbeing Team at-
This year parents have been doing an excellent job monitoring and treating their children for head lice. During the past fortnight, we have not had any cases reported. All families need to continue to be vigilant and screen their children’s hair. Please notify the office or tell your child’s teacher when you treat your child so lice alert notifications can be lodged on COMPASS. Reminder-any child found with live lice will be excluded from school until they are treated.
To help prevent and control the transmission of infectious diseases in schools, a child must be excluded from school if he or she has any of the following:
Importantly, children who have been vomiting should not attend school until 48 hours after the vomiting ceases.
While these are some common diseases, please refer to the Better Health School Excursion Table* for a comprehensive list and updated information. Please contact the office if your child contracts any of these. Please refer to the Dept of Health for further information-https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/infectious-diseases/school-exclusion/school-exclusion-table
Fair players get to play more games. A person who plays fairly and gets on with the game allows others to enjoy the game. If they enjoy the game, they’ll want to play with that person again. People who play fairly get a reputation as good people to be around. People who don’t play fairly are not chosen as people to play games with
Our activity clubs at lunchtime have been extremely popular and this term we are hoping to offer more clubs at recess and lunchtimes. For children looking for something fun, make more friends and being creative they may be interested in coming to craft club or lego club.
In craft club, the younger children have been making paper people and cat’s eyes. Student can also do colouring in, hang out with friends or just make something out of the materials on hand.
In Lego club, the Woori Farm has grown considerably. Some children really enjoy assembling the Farm Brick packs yet others rearrange work on the farm infrastructure. For children looking for free play, we have students building and connecting with their friends and we also have a group building using the Lego Friends themed bricks.
We encourage parents and carers to refer to COMPASS for information happening at school. Schools are required to work towards IMPROVING THE ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY RATES of our students. When your child is going to be away parents and carers need to notify the school through COMPASS. This really helps us as we are able to communicate effectively with all relevant staff early in the school day.
Over the time a child attends school, having 1 or 2 days absence does not seem like much but it does add up and can impact on missed learning opportunities.