Life After Year 12

Ex KHS students talk about school, what they are up to now and beyond 

Three of our exceptional Year 12 Graduates and top 3  DUX recipients from the 2022 Year 12 cohort, were asked about school and beyond and what the future holds for them. The three students were exceptional students whilst at Kempsey High School, excelling in all aspects of school. We will welcome the three of them back in December 2023 to present them with their DUX award at our end of school assembly. We would like to wish them all the success they deserve in their chosen career paths. 

Thank you  Hayley Andrews, Hannah Fraser and Freya Weismantel.

Hayley Andrews, Hannah Fraser and Freya Weismantel


Hayley Andrews

Time at School

1. What were the things you most enjoyed at school? Do you miss these things and/or any other aspects of school?

I miss having daily interactions with friends however we keep in touch regularly. I also miss the structured learning as at Uni its very independent.


2. Did you take subjects in Year 10 and beyond knowing that these would help you get into university?

Yes and no, I’m currently studying HPE secondary education. I took PDHPE in my senior studies as I knew it would be beneficial and I enjoyed the subject. It was also recommended to take biology and other science based subjects however I chose not to due to lack of interest. I’ve found that this didn’t disadvantage me as they go over all necessary content in my courses, there’s no ‘assumed knowledge’.


3. At what point did you work out what you wanted to do after school? Was there one thing that was the turning point in your decision making?

From a young age I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in education, but it wasn’t until my senior years that I narrowed it down to my current degree. There wasn’t a specific turning point as it was a long process but through conversing with my family, teachers and friends I made my decision.


4. What advice would you give students at school now for life after school?

Don’t let any marks/results discourage you. Follow your passions and pursue whatever pathway you feel best suits you. There may be some setbacks but stay persistent, you’ll achieve your goal.


What are you up to now?

1. What are you working on now? What are you doing now?

I’m currently studying secondary education in HPE at the University of Newcastle


2. How do you spend a typical day now? Have there been many challenges that you have had to face and overcome? Do you have to juggle work and study commitments and if so is this difficult?

I spend most of my day going to classes, completing tasks and assignments. Of an afternoon I’m either working, participating in social sports or just socialising with other residents. There’s been many obstacles I’ve had to face. Moving away from home, trying to make friends and navigate and juggle Uni/work is challenging. However, I’ve had a lot of support and have been able to find an appropriate balance, so everything has now fallen into place and is working out.


3. What is the most interesting thing you have learnt recently?

Recently in my classes have been focusing on how to ensure all HPE lessons are inclusive in which I learnt how to incorporate modifications into games to help assist those of all abilities. It’s been very insightful to say the least. My class was also given the amazing opportunity to participate in a class with the All Abilities Sports Coaching program which I feel helped me gain a deeper understanding of how to make everyone feel included in PE while ensuring everyone is active.


4. What are you most passionate about?

I’m very passionate about ensuring everyone has equal opportunities and access to education no matter their abilities or experiences. I want to ensure everyone feels welcomed in the classroom and in sports despite any setbacks.


Future Aspirations


1. What habits or improvements are you working on for the future?

Currently I’ve been focusing on trying to improve my time management skills as leaving assignments to the last minute is a bad habit.


2. Where do you see yourself after university? This could be focusing on the skills you want to learn and get better at.

After University once I have finished my degree, I see myself entering the workforce advocating for personal development, health and physical education. Hoping to become a role model and mentor for my students.


3. What would be your ideal teaching position?

Ideally, I would love to teach rurally. Being able to embrace the aspects of a small community and help navigate and educate students like me that share the same sense of community.

Hannah Fraser

Time at School

1.What were the things you most enjoyed at school? Do you miss these things and/or any other aspects of school?

Our school had a lot of good teachers and amazing opportunities in different sports and academics along with general social clubs etc. 


2.Did you take subjects in Year 10 and beyond knowing that these would help you get into university?

In year 11 and 12 Most but not all of the subjects I took helped with my university application, however, at the time I was choosing my subjects I still wasn't completely sure I would be choosing the career path I am currently taking and so the subjects were chosen more for what I enjoyed then for having a specific ambition.


3. At what point did you work out what you wanted to do after school? Was there one thing that was the turning point in your decision making?

I believe I came to the decision of teaching around Year 11. Education had always been an option I’d considered but it wasn’t a solid plan until some time in year 11. I’d always had an enjoyment with telling stories and teaching people about the most random things I had recently learnt. Throughout high school, especially in year 7 and 11-12 I had some really rough patches, and during this time I received such amazing support from teachers that it changed my view of the job from being just teaching people to being a person who supports their students and encourages them and it inspired me to want to follow this path.


4. What advice would you give students at school now for life after school?

Do what makes you happy instead of what your friends are doing or what they think is cool or what your family wants. You will be much happier and motivated doing things you enjoy rather working or studying something for validation from others or just for the promise of money in the future when you have no passion behind what you do.


What are you up to now?

1.What are you working on now? What are you doing now?

I am a full time student at Charles Sturt University in Port Macquarie studying a Bachelor of Educational eStudies in a mix of online and on-campus study.

2. How do you spend a typical day now? Have there been many challenges that you have had to face and overcome? Do you have to juggle work and study commitments and if so is this difficult?

Due to parts of my course being online or through intensive school (at another campus) along with my physical on-campus Port Macquarie lessons my days in terms of scheduling are pretty lax. I only have a few classes per week and the rest is self-directed study or free time to catch up on hobbies and pursue social connections.

3. What is the most interesting thing you have learnt recently?

A recent topic in my classes I have been most invested in has been the physical and psychological development of infants and toddlers including motor development and the causes and effects of food insecurity, neglect, Failure To Thrive, and Psychosocial Dwarfism and as we move through the stages of child development from infancy to adolescence we see how these all effect growing teens and young adults many years later.


4. What are you most passionate about?

I have always been passionate about learning and sharing knowledge on a wide variety of topics and exploring my creative side at any opportunity along with helping and encouraging people to be the best versions of themselves. Advocating awareness for different things (eg. mental health, disabilities etc) is also very important to me.


Future Aspirations

1. What habits or improvements are you working on for the future?

I am working on my time management skills and self motivation to fix my procrastination habits.


2. Where do you see yourself after university? This could be focusing on the skills you want to learn and get better at.

I  haven't thought too much about the distant future although I do know that after University I plan on taking a position as a Science teacher somewhere and hopefully going back after a few years to expand my teaching areas, maybe to  history which is another old favourite subject of mine.


3. What would be your ideal teaching position?

I do not currently know what are or specific school system I would like to work, although I am really looking forward to finding out on my pracs, one of which I am hoping to return to Kempsey High for.

Freya Weismantel


Time at School

1. What were the things you most enjoyed at school? Do you miss these things and/or any other aspects of school?

I was a member of the Ag team from the very beginning of high school, it was definitely one of my favourite things about Kempsey High. I enjoyed learning about livestock, cattle in particular, which has opened me up to many opportunities after school. The Ag team was a very tight knit team of kids that all had a passion in Agriculture, everyone respected each other and worked well as a team. Mr Urquhart and Mr Saul provided me with many great opportunities within Agriculture that have benefitted me both during school and now after school. Although I will always be a part of the agriculture industry I will miss the tight knit nature of the Kempsey High Ag team. 

I also miss not being able to see my friends and teachers everyday. In our final year of school my friends and i would often discuss how weird it would be after we graduate and we aren't able to see each other all the time, now that we are graduated and each doing our own thing it is hard to see each other all the time like we used to while we were at school.


2. Did you take subjects in Year 10 and beyond knowing that these would help you get into university?

Subject selection in year 10 was difficult for me, I had lots of things to think about and I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do after school. Like many students I wanted to be ATAR eligible so I picked subjects that would allow me to get my ATAR. Originally I wanted to pick science subjects like chemistry, biology and physics. But I knew these subjects were content heavy and I would have alot on my plate for my final years of school. So I made the decision to pick subjects that would allow me to enjoy my final years of school and not have as much stress coming into the HSC. So I picked Agriculture, Primary Industries, Society and Culture, Sport, Leisure and Recreation and Maths Standard. 


3. At what point did you work out what you wanted to do after school? Was there one thing that was the turning point in your decision making?

My involvement in the Ag team was a bit of a turning point for me career wise, it opened my eyes to the jobs in the Agriculture Industry. I decided in my last few years at school that I wanted to be an Ag teacher, however after a few experiences during year 12 I also decided I wanted to do something with stronger involvement of animals, not just livestock but many different animals. I'm still not 100% certain what I want to do but I have narrowed it down to a smaller selection. 


4. What advice would you give students at school now for life after school?

Don't rush into university or employment if you’re not super certain it's what you want to do. You have a whole life ahead to make those decisions, it's completely okay to not be at university straight away or to not know what to do. Talk to different people about their experiences and make a decision that's best for you. 


What are you up to now?

1. What are you working on now? What are you doing now?


I decided at the very last minute to have a gap year. I wasn't super sure on going to University with the courses i was accepted for so I thought it's best for me to defer and give myself some time to figure it out. 

Shortly after graduating I went away to Glen Innes to work at Rangers Valley Feedlot, a cattle feedlot that specialises in Angus and Wagyu beef that holds around 40,000 livestock, making it the 4th largest in Australia. I realised after some time that it wasn't for me and I came back home. Since then I have picked up some work at Aldavilla Primary School as a Teacher’s Aide and I'm loving it! I am also working with National Parks on a project about marine education. 


2. How do you spend a typical day now? Have there been many challenges that you have had to face and overcome? Do you have to juggle work and study commitments and if so is this difficult?

On the days I'm not working I give my mum and dad a hand on our farm and around the house. After my time in Glen Innes I realised how much my family means to me so I use my free time to visit my family as much as I can. When I’m at work I am usually helping students with their reading and writing. I am really enjoying supporting the students and helping them achieve their reading goals. 


3. What is the most interesting thing you have learnt recently?

Now that I'm out of school and I have a lot more independence I've learnt how crazy life can be. It's weird to think that this time last year I was certain that I'd be studying at university but at the moment I’m taking a gap year and working as a Teacher’s Aide, two things I didn't expect myself to be doing. So I've definitely learnt how quickly things change.


4. What are you most passionate about?

I’m very passionate about the agriculture industry and the opportunities within it. If I was to become an Ag Teacher I wanted to allow my future students to see how many career opportunities and experiences there are within that industry and how far they can take you. 

After working with National Parks marine team last year i am also passionate about educating people about the threats to marine life and how we can better look after and maintain our marine life. 


Future Aspirations


1. What habits or improvements are you working on for the future?

I'm constantly working on becoming the best version of myself that I can be. I've learnt to become more open minded and knowledgeable about what's going on around me. I am working hard on networking with like minded people which is broadening my opportunities within the areas I'm passionate in. 


2. Where do you see yourself after university? This could be focusing on the skills you want to learn and get better at.

After university I hope to be doing something I love, whether that be teaching or something completely different. I hope to have made a good group of friends and to be employed shortly after graduating. 


3. What would be your ideal teaching position?

My ideal position would either be as a high school ag teacher or as a primary school teacher.