Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Lou Corso

New Fence

Over the holidays we implemented a pool fence around the garden area near the netball courts (Louis Street). This money was raised by the Parent Association thanks to the Colour Run. Thank you for your generous donations. Students are now allowed to play in this area as it has previously been an out of bounds area.


Outside School Hours Care

Parent Survey

We are in the process of reviewing our Licence with Team Kids which currently provides Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC). To assist the school to understand the need for and current satisfaction with OSHC at HEPS, we kindly ask that you complete this 3-minute anonymous survey. Thank you for your participation in this important information-gathering survey.

Please complete the survey by Friday 12th May.

OSHC Survey


Education Week

Now in its 79th year, Education Week celebrates the strengths and achievements of Victoria’s government education sector. This year Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Sunday 14 May to Saturday 20 May. HEPs will celebrate Education Week on Thursday 18th May by having an Open Night Book Fair from 6:30-8:00pm. All parents and the school community are invited to attend. This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’ which celebrates physical activity, hands-on-learning and student voice in education. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.


Make the time for Non-Fiction!

Many of our HEPS students love reading and this is something that our teachers and parent community are very proud of. Today, I would like to point out the importance of including non-fiction, as well as fiction texts in your child’s regular reading material.

Whilst reading fiction helps children interpret and infer, build empathy, and develop focus, non-fiction reading builds background knowledge, curiosity and is often the springboard for new learning and interests. Through non-fiction, we learn about history, science and about other cultures and places. Non-fiction builds overall general knowledge and makes one more ‘well-rounded’. By reading memoirs and biographies, we can deepen our understanding of the human condition and learn valuable life lessons. Research recommends that around half of children’s reading material is fiction and the other half is non-fiction, so I encourage you to expose your child to information texts and model reading non-fiction in your home. Borrow non-fiction when you visit the library with your child and read non-fiction online to balance out their reading diet. You never know, your child may discover a new interest or passion from their widened reading!