Parent Association

Parents Association News


Communications role

We would like to warmly welcome Robyn Hammond to the role of Communications Officer for 2023. Thanks Robyn and welcome to the team!


Next Meeting

The next PA meeting will be held at 2.30pm on Wednesday 18th May. All are welcome to come along to learn more about our Parents Association or to join the team!


HEPS Community Movie Night! Sing 2 - Saturday 13th May

Reminder to book your ticket to see Sing 2 on Saturday 13th May on the HEPS oval! The long weather forecast is looking very promising and it will be a great event for the whole family. You can purchase your tickets here HEPS Movie Night Tickets


To volunteer a little of your time and help make this night a success please register here Movie Night Volunteer Roster. You can help by either selling snacks and drinks at the canteen, cook up the sausages on the BBQ or help with set up or pack up. 


We can’t wait to see you there!


 Mother’s Day Stall: 

Reminder that next Thursday 11th May is the HEPS Mother’s Day Stall. All children will have the opportunity to purchase a small surprise for their Mum or special person in their life.


If you have any queries at all or are interested in helping out with the Parents Association you are welcome to join us at our next meeting on Wednesday 18th May at 2.30pm in the staff room, or you can email us at