School News
House Cross Country - Years 3-6
The House Cross Country will be on Friday 28th April for Years 3-6.
It will be run through Albert Park with the South Rovers Netball Courts as our base for the start and finish.
Starting times (all times are approximate):
- 10.15am 8/9 year boys 1.5km
- 10.25am 8/9 year girls 1.5km
- 10.35am 10 year boys 2km
- 10.45am 10 year girls 2km
- 10.55am 11 year boys 3km
- 11.05am 11 year girls 3km
- 11.15am 12/13 year boys 3km
- 11.25am12/13 year girls 3km
Presentations will be at the end of each race. The overall winning house will be presented at the conclusion of the day. Each class will require a parent helper to walk with them to Albert Park and back to School. Classes will leave approximately 30-45 minutes prior to their starting time and return after their event.
Students will need to bring enough food and drink for the day, their Ventolin if needed and hats. Please contact the school if there are any changes to your child's medical information. Sunscreen and insect repellent need to be applied before students arrive at school as classes will be departing soon after 9am.
Please let your class teacher know if you can assist with walking. If you are able to be on a checkpoint please let me Mrs Owen know as soon as possible via Compass.
Lunch Orders
Lunch Orders are back! Phoenix Cafe are now providing lunch orders for all students. Orders must be made through flexischools or via the flexischools app. Families need to set up student profiles, please ensure you select the correct class. Orders must be made by 9am.
Curriculum Contributions 2023
Thank you to all the families who have paid curriculum contributions so far this year. All money paid goes towards supplying your children with the items needed for their classrooms and specialist classes. Without families paying, we would not be able to offer the great programs that we currently run. If you are yet to make payment towards the curriculum contributions, it’s not too late. Payment can be made via Compass (it will show as Course Confirmation / School Payments) or at the school office.
If you are yet to order a Jamo Journal, this can be done using the same link.
State Schools Relief
Did you know that State School Relief is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation that supports the needs of disadvantaged government school students by providing new school uniforms, school shoes and many other educational resources.
If you require assistance please contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss further.
Uniforms and School Headphones
School uniform can be purchased from the school on Tuesday mornings 8.30am to 9.30am and Thursday afternoons 3pm to 4pm. Otherwise you can fill in the below form and return.
As part of the uniform items available for purchase we offer Moki Headphones. Headphones are recommended for students from Prep to Year 6 to use with ipads and also during library time on the computers.