Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Carers,
FOUNDATION INFORMATION SESSION- Monday 1st May 2023 at 5.30pm
It’s an exciting time for Warrnambool Primary School to promote our school to prospective new and existing parents as they consider enrolling their child for Foundation in 2024.
We have our Foundation 2024 Open Night and Information Session for prospective parents on Monday 1 May 2023 in the Infant gym from 5.30pm. If you or someone you know has a child commencing Foundation in 2024 please come along or encourage them to attend our information session.
It will be great to showcase our school and some of the fantastic programs we have which lead the way in improving student outcomes across Warrnambool and the surrounding districts. Please keep an eye (and ear) out for our promotional messages through the local channels and social media.
SKIPPING BONANZA - ASSEMBLY Monday 3rd April 2023 at 9am
At Monday's assembly Year 6A will be performing a series of skipping routines as taught by Mr Pattiso. Some children from the younger grades will also participate.
Please come along and see these students perform.
We had an excellent turn-out of parents and students at our working bee on Saturday morning. There were some key projects completed but a general spruce up of the grounds was the main area of focus.
Thank you to Clinton Brown for organising and coordinating the working bee and to Brendan Wilkinson who also oversaw much of the work.
We really appreciate the parents and students for spending their precious Saturday morning assisting us at school.
Next week we will finalise our Hot Cross Bun drive and draw the raffle at Monday’s assembly. If you are thinking about entering the raffle there’s still time to get your tickets in. All money raised will contribute to our Netball/Basketball court construction.
Congratulations to the students who have been selected for the Warrnambool Primary School District Athletics team. The District Athletics event is being held on Monday 3rd April 2023. Thank you to Cherine Owen for her organisation and coordination.
Each year, Primary Performers put on a performance at the Lighthouse Theatre. The performers are all Primary School aged children from Years 1-6, supported by an amazing group of volunteers who take on a range of roles.
This year, Primary Performers are performing the stage adaptation of Roald Dahl’s, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Rehearsals have commenced, with performances scheduled to occur on Thursday 22nd to Saturday 24th of June. Our school has a long history of students taking part in Primary Performers with this year being no exception with 150 primary school aged children wanting to take part, but only 75 places were offered. Four of our students have successfully signed up to be Primary Performers, auditioned and excitingly, all received roles.
We congratulate Parmin Safari, Clancey Greene, Willow Jolly and Jack Bryant for the roles they have been cast in. We are excited by the skills you will learn, the courage and confidence you display in auditioning and performing on stage and the incredible fun you will have. Congratulations and enjoy!
Term 1 concludes on Thursday 6th April 2023 at 2.30pm.
This is one hour prior to the usual collection time which is the custom in all Victorian schools leading into the term break.
Term 2 commences on Monday 24th April 2023 with the ANZAC Day Public Holiday falling on the following day Tuesday 25 April 2023.
Their care will be operating during the Term break for parents wishing to access this program. Please contact them directly for bookings.
Have a great weekend!
Peter Lee