Education Open Night

17th May 4.00-6.00pm. 

Education Week at GRPS

Wednesday 17th May 4 - 6pm


Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate celebrates the many ways students learn, through physical activity and hands on learning.


This year, Education Week runs from Sunday 14 to Saturday 20 May. 

Education Week is an opportunity for our school to celebrate and share with you how we encourage our students to be active learners.


Great Ryrie Primary School is proud to encourage active learners through many different activities and some of these we would like to share with you at our Education Open Night on Wednesday 17th May 4-6pm. 

  • Literacy Games- Do you know more phonograms than your child?  Probably not but give it a go. Do you remember playing Boggle? Try and make as many words as you can. (Foundation Rooms)
  • Maths Games- let your child teach you about Maths learning through games- Get out of my House! and see if you can solve Maths problems using lots of interesting objects including racing cars! (Year 1A and 4A)
  • Now it’s time to Move your body, head out to the basketball courts and into the gym to join in some games with your child. 
  • Try to take on a Lego challenge and build something amazing. (Year 5/6 foyer)
  • Head into the Science and Technology room to code a robot, maybe it could even clean your room! (Brian Allen Hall)
  • Wellbeing motivational wall- create a motivational quote and record your dream for the future. (outside Year 2 rooms)

We will also be offering a sausage sizzle straight after school- 3.30-5.00pm.


Team Kids are generously providing a coffee van for the entire duration of the evening. If you are interested in finding out more about the before and after school program, make sure to visit the van and chat to one of the educators, all while sipping a coffee. 


Look forward to seeing you then!