Year 12 Luna Park Excursion

One of the best parts of Year 12 Physics is going to Luna Park. On the 8th of March, our Physics class went to Luna Park to explore topics related to circular motion in a real world context by going on an assortment of rides throughout the day.


The rides were very fun and absolutely terrifying from an outsider's perspective (except the children’s rides) with some going near vertical and upside down.  Being able to go on the rides gave us real life experience of physics in day to day life. With a bit of screaming and fear, we enjoyed going on almost all of the rides.


We attended the day with other schools within Victoria and were partnered up with MLC for our rides, with hundreds of other physics students spending the day learning about physics in a practical and thrilling space.


Unfortunately most of us missed out on going on the Scenic Railway but the carousel was quite entertaining, with Mr Kazi taking his place on the lounge and enjoying the ride with the rest of the class!