International Women’s Day

Wednesday March 8th, a few weeks ago was International Women’s Day. It originated in 1975 because of a woman called Clara Zetkin, leader of the women’s office in Germany at the time. She suggested there be a day to fight for women’s demands. It celebrates the achievements of many impactful women over the years who are a great inspiration to the students of MGC. The school hosted many events for International Women’s Day, such as the International Women’s Day music, movie, and bobblehead bounty. 


Every period after the bell rang music played over the speakers. Every song that was played is by a famous female singer such as Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton is a famous philanthropist and country singer and her song 9 to 5 about women’s experience in a male dominated field. The music was a reminder of what that day is about and to give the students a little bit of joy.

At lunchtime, on the same day the movie Hidden Figures played at lunchtime. Hidden figures is based on the 3 very intelligent women who helped launch the first rockets into space during the Space race. The movie was chosen because of how incredible these women are and because of how good the movie is. It also relates to International Women’s Day The humanities captains ran the movie at lunchtime in 315. Many year 7s showed up to the event and the seats were filled.

The library hid bobbleheads of certain inspiring women around the school. Finding a bobblehead got anyone who found it a prize but also included some facts about that woman and what they have done for the world. These women included Grace Tame, an Australian activist, Julia Gillard, the first female prime minister and many more. This marked the occasion and was a great way to help students learn about the day and women who change the world.


Esme Kanaan

Year 8