Kindergarten News

Dickins Room

We have had a great week with both our Wimbi and Marram classes! The wimbi children have been enjoying playing together, interacting with songs and dance as well as still loving their painting!

One of the children asked to make slime on Friday, we mixed, poured and watched as the water changed with the jelly bath crystals we used. The children loved this process, they were able to feel, explore and manipulate the medium and they worked together- expressing their joy and ideas through the interactions.

The children also helped to unpack an art order we received, this supported the children to begin to use inquiry thinking, making predictions around what might be in the boxes. Some of the children thought their may be 'lawn mowers', 'petrol for the diggers' and even 'a dog'.

Our Marram class had a fantastic week, even with the wet day on Thursday. We inquired into what rain was and what a cloud was, using a mist maker, we began a science discussion, exploring the children's developing awareness and ability to share through expressive and receptive language skills. The children then took this learning to an activity where they dripped coloured water into a jar with shaving cream (the clouds) on top, exploring the science of gravity as well as colour mixing through the process.

We have celebrated three birthdays this week also, birthdays are such a special time at kinder and we love being able to share this special occasion as a class.

The children have been particularly focused in construction and building again this week, using the construction straws, a group of children constructed an incredible 'house' that had 'people, 'cars' and 'popcorn' in it. The communication and negotiation skills needed to work collaboratively in this way is incredible to observe and support.

We are looking forward to a great week, don't forget the twilight sports carnival on Thursday evening- starting at 4:30.

Al and Mardi

Moore Room

We hope everyone had a great relaxed long weekend! Our busy children have certainly been busy – finding spiders, enjoying the mud play dough with jungle animals and natural materials, the mobilo to represent our essential services, the c.d. books to listen to and share. The mud patch has been of huge interest with many recipes and puddle jumping occurring – please remember to have a named spare change of clothes. If anyone could please donate some spare underwear, socks and any spare gumboots size 4 -5 would be greatly appreciated.

Joe (Braxton’s mum Joe – Budja group) bought her beautiful vocals and guitar in and sang some songs; head, shoulders, knees and toes, three little pigs and an action song. The children were then all given the opportunity to have a strum of the guitar. We love having our parents join us for stay and play – thanks Joe.

Family Twilight Sports this Thursday 12th March 4.30pm – looking forward to some great races.

Have a wonderful week!

Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie and Jo