Principal's Report

School Council Elections

Congratulations to Sarah Codling, Lena Rogan and Cam Walker for being successfully elected to school council for 2020-2022. I thank Mais Sukkar and Elisabeth Waycott for nominating and running for School Council. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Elisabeth for all her work with the Education and Finance sub committees and for being treasurer in 2019. Her advice and support is very much appreciated.  I would also like thank the school community for showing such a genuine interest in our school as there was a huge number of envelopes returned. The DET representatives are teachers from the school who nominated and will join school Council in 2020, thank you to Ros Walker who will be joining council.

Twilight Sports

Miss Nelson and Mrs Brisbane met with the Sports Team  in readiness for our Twilight Sports. They were impressed with the work they have put in to make sure the sports run smoothly. Their ideas on how to support Mrs Brisbane were clever and thoughtful. Students are encouraged come to school on Thursday wearing their house coloured t-shirt in readiness for the sports in the afternoon.

The event start at 4.30 with Kinder and Junior School events, 5.00pm BBQ and then the House Chants Competition at 5.30 with Senior School events starting at 6.00pm. All events are run by the Year 6 Sports Leadership Team with staff assisting. This is a change from previous years and is in response to Student Voice around developing Year 6 Leader Action Plans so that the leaders are playing an authentic part in not only impacting their school year but bringing about positive change to the whole school.

Primary School Nursing Program

Belinda Lock a visiting primary school nurse will be attending the school to conduct Prep grade health assessments and to see other children as requested by parents. The purpose of the visit is to provide all Victorian children with the opportunity to have a health assessment and link families with services available in the community, as appropriate. Parents are invited to contact Belinda should they have any questions or issues they wish to discuss on 0412 161 474. All referral forms should have been returned to school and have been collected ready for the program. Additional forms can be obtained from the school office. The school nursing program provides a valuable resource and source of information for all families.

Head Lice Checks

Head lice checks will begin on Friday after Senior Assembly. Regular headlice checks done by our fantastic group of parents with your permission, help to control if not eradicate headlice from MPRPS.  If you have time after assembly could you please see or contact Megan Sieh  to offer your valuable help. The more helpers we have means minimal interruptions to class.

Year 6 Facilities Leaders 

Our flags are up and the Facilities Team have learnt how to work the flag pole system. They are working on a presentation to both Assemblies about the significance of our flags. The facilities leaders are also managing the bike shed.

School Photos

School photos will be taken on Tuesday 24th March.  All students must wear full school uniform no sports tops are to be worn for photos.

If you have siblings in the school and would like them to have a sibling photo, envelopes are available from the office. 

Noteworthy Moments

Some parents have already received a surprise email telling them of a noteworthy moment for their child. Teachers are aiming to send these emails home for two students per week and we hope it puts a smile on your face and your child’s too!

Coronavirus Advice

I will continue to update families through the newsletter and if there are any significant changes that have immediate impact on our families I will send a letter through Sentral and home with students.  Below is the current advice :

The Commonwealth Government has updated travel restrictions this week. The extension to existing travel restrictions now applies to visitors from Republic of Korea, Iran and mainland China. Visitors who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents, or their dependants, will not be allowed entry into Australia.

The Commonwealth Government has also advised that visitors from Italy will also be subject to enhanced health screening and temperature testing arrangements. 

Some of our students and families may be affected by the travel advice, and I’d encourage you to support each other. Everyone can protect against infections by practising good hand and respiratory hygiene.

We can all follow:

1. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, or cough into your elbow.

2. Dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash your hands afterwards.

3. Wash your hands regularly using soap and water, including after using the toilet, and before eating.

Please refer to the Department’s coronavirus web page for the latest advice and information.