Wellbeing News
Yoga with Jess
Cyber Safety with your children at home:
We are certainly using technology even more at the moment and this means we need to continue to encourage everyone to be Cyber Smart.
The Federal Government E Safety Commissioner has the task of keeping all Australians safe whilst we are online. As you can imagine, this is not an easy task.
They have an amazing website for educators, parents and children / teenagers which provides excellent resources to give us guidance on how best to use our devices and the Internet. We are connected more than ever almost 24/7, and this can lead to people doing things online that are disrespectful and hurtful towards others.
I would encourage you as a family to look at this website with your children / teenagers and discuss cyber safety with them.
Creating family protocols and rules about the use of technology together as a family will have a bigger impact on the way the children use the Internet.