English at Home

How to help you child with English:


1. Read to your child.

2. Let your child see you read.

3. Read every night: home reading books and other texts i.e. library books, recipes, comics, magazines, etc.

4. Discuss books read and ask your child to retell the story in their own words.






1. Encourage your child to write notes, letters, messages, lists, stories, emails, etc.

2. Encourage correct spelling.

3. Encourage your child to do their best handwriting and to take their time.

4. Games such as Scrabble are an excellent way to promote spelling knowledge.





Speaking and Listening

1. Take time to talk to your children and listen to them.  Encourage correct grammar and pronunciation.

2. Encourage your child to ask questions.

3. Encourage your child to make eye contact when speaking and listening.

4. Rehearse or talk through News Reports.