Secondary 7/8 Learning

Student News
Interview with a cast member from Hairspray Secondary Musical- Lachlan Susanof
What is your role in Hairspray? I am the weather reporter. I report on the weather in Baltimore during the performance.
Did you have to practice any lines for the show? Yes! I had to practice reading the weather report. I also made a short film clip with Will (news reporter) in the Discovery Centre.
Tell me about the short film clip you made: We had to dress up in our costumes. I had to stand in front of the green screen and have the camera on me. We had to say our lines. We mucked up a few times so had to do lots of takes. I used some props to try and make it funny.
Are you excited about performing on stage to the school community? Yes, very excited. I am not nervous because I have been on stage before.
Class Leader Interview
Name: Luca Del Cielo
Class: SAS
Why did your class choose you as a class leader this year? I am very kind and encourage people to try their best. I listen to the teacher well. I always use my manners and push my chair in.
What responsibilities do you have as a class leader? I have to show others what good behaviour looks like. I also tell others about school rules.
If you could pick your favourite subject at school, what would it be and why? I like writing and doing maths. I liked doing Food Tech and the challenge program. It’s good for your muscles and helps you be healthy.
What is your favourite thing to do outside of school? I like playing with my dog and my rabbit. I like watching TV and playing video games. I also like talking to my cousins because it makes me feel happy.
Who do you hang out with at recess and lunchtime? I mostly hang out with Ben, Lachie, Wolfie, Max and sometimes Mitchell and Emelio.
Favourite food? I love bananas and Hawaiian pizza.
Favourite sport? I love soccer and tennis!
Secondary Spectacular
The time came this week to perform Hairspray to the school community, family and friends! All the students and staff have worked very hard over the last term to get the show ready. We hope you enjoyed the show. We certainly did!
Literacy & Numeracy Week
During this week we had an open morning for families to come in to our classroom to see what their child is learning at school. Secondary 7/8 students showcased their Integrated Unit work. Thank you to the families who came to visit during this time.
SSO Whole School Assembly performance
For Literacy & Numeracy week whole school assembly SSO represented the Secondary 7/8 section. They performed their Secondary Spectacular dance. We are so proud of these students performing to the school community and families. They are very brave!
Science Incursion
During planning week the Secondary 7/8 students were treated to a science incursion – Chemistry Chaos! Students were involved in doing a range of experiments. This tied in with their integrated unit and science specialist classes.
Interview with SSD
What was the best experiment and why? We mixed different chemicals together. We used a red cabbage indicator. We put in baking soda, vinegar and water (Ben). The vinegar turns red. That means it’s an acid (Ahmed). We put a fizzy tablet and water in a container and watched it burst the lid off (Hanae). We got a little bag of beads and put water in there. The beads absorbed a water and got really big and shiny (Trey).
Did you learn something interesting? It was interesting that the indicator turned different colours (Hanae).
Farewell to Steele
At the end of this term we say farewell to a fantastic and much loved teacher, Steele Denman. We wish him all the best on his new adventures!
Comments from SSD students:
Faisal: We did some cool experiments this year, like the friction experiment. He is a great helper. On our birthday he makes us a cake! Farewell and have a great time at your new school.
Ben: He is funny! He taught us a lot about Maths and now I know more.
Ahmed: He is entertaining! He does silly faces that makes me laugh. He also a very helpful teacher.
Blayze: Steele always helps me when I get stuck on things. He is a good teacher.
Hanae: He is a nice person. I will miss him.
Jane Stacey
Acting Team Leader