Mia Jake

Monday 10th-Friday 14th September
Whole School Planning Week
Thursday 13th September
Secondary 7/8 Spectacular School Performance for staff and students
Friday 14th September
Secondary 7/8 Spectacular School Performance for family and friends at 6:30 pm
Friday 21st September
Footy Colour's Day - Gold Coin Donation. End of Term 3 students dismissed at 2.30 pm
Term 4
Monday 8th October
School Resumes
Tuesday 6th November
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 14th November
Volunteer's Morning Tea
Monday 26th November
Curriculum Day - Students not required at school
Monday 3rd December
Christmas Concert
5pm - BBQ and Band 6pm - Concert
Wednesday 12th December
Primary School Graduation 12:30pm - Bundoora Campus Gym
Thursday 13th December
Secondary School Graduation 7pm - Bundoora Campus Gym
Friday 14th December
Student Orientation Day for 2019
Friday 21st December
Whole School Assembly at 9:15 am - Lower Primary - Secondary 9/10 Awards
Term 4 ends - Student Dismissal at 1:30pm