Teaching & Learning 5S

5S have had a brilliant start to 2022 and have enjoyed getting to know each other. Students have taken part in a range of different activities, such as our class hoodies, holiday selfies and games to build positive relationships within the classroom. We have also unpacked our school values and considered what these values look like both in the classroom and in the yard. 

CRASH, BANG! Did we capture your attention? This week in Writing 5S have been exploring sizzling starts. Students turned boring story starters into engaging first liners to hook the reader's attention. In Maths this week 5S have been exploring 6-digit numbers in different forms. We have explored place value, written, expanded and model form. We have also been working on the four operations and improving our accuracy. 



In Reading this week, 5S have been applying SQ3R (Scan, Questions, Read, Record, Review) strategy to both fiction and non-fiction texts. 5S have also been enjoying borrowing texts from the library and setting our CAFE reading goals.  How amazing are these marvelous monster bookmarks 5S created at the beginning of the year for their sustained reading books!