Chaplain's Corner 2022

Hi MPS Family
With so much going on in the World continually it can be easy to be overwhelmed by not only World and community events but what is going on in our own School, suburb, street and home. It is at these times when we need stop and look for the ones who are helping. Helping does not need to be on a massive scale. This is where we can all pitch in. Helping can look like:
- a phone call to a friend in isolation,
- making a meal for someone who is sick,
- buying a coffee with a hard working co-worker,
- stopping to thank a customer service worker for their assistance,
- sending an email to a School Staff member to appreciate their effort,
- forgiving someone when they make a mistake or forgotten to do something for you,
- giving our children the space and time to relax or speak with us,
- smiling at each other (even through the masks).
I have seen so many individuals in our MPS Family helping in your own way. It is so appreciated and you are seen. We often don't realise the tools we have inside of us. The resilience we have and our children have too. You have a unique way of helping this World, your Community and your own family even in your own struggle. Have you ever considered the ways you help already? It is probably more than you think. You dig deep every day to make this World a better place for us and for our children. Thank you!
Do you need help?
There is no denying that each of us are feeling, tired, overwhelmed, stuck or even just jaded with everything at the moment. Please reach out. Even a conversation with someone else can help you problem solve your situation: Here are some good links:
You are NOT alone even if you feel lonely. You can always access me on Class Dojo or through School Admin. Until next time Family. Stay Safe.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Monday and Friday