Welcome to Auslan!
This term students have begun working on greetings and the all-important signs for please and thank you. Most students were able to say hello and ask how someone was feeling. The script below is the one we used in class. Ask your child to show you how to do it.
A - Hello! How are you?
B - Good thank you. You?
A - Good thank you.
Students will be moving on to asking someone’s name and fingerspelling their own name. I have included a fingerspelling alphabet with the newsletter for students to use at home.
The script we will be using is below. Auslan’s structure is different to English so it will look a little odd at first.
A - What your name?
B - My name __________.
A - Your name _______?
B - Yes. Your name what?
A - My name __________.
B - Your name _________?
A - Yes. Nice meet you.
B - You same.
It was amazing to see how keen and enthusiastic the students were. Some even asked if they could take extra sheets to practice during lunch and recess! WOW!
(ask your child to show you the sign for wow!)
Please feel free to dojo message me, or your child’s teacher, if you have any queries or would like copies of the sign sheets we use in class.
Ms Leeanne Ward