Welcome to
The M Chat Issue 18
Messages from the Front Office
Welcome to
The M Chat Issue 18
Messages from the Front Office
Due to the isolation requirements last week, the year 5 and 6 classes were only able to attend one week of their scheduled swimming lessons. As such a credit of $30 for each of the children attending has been applied to your family account and will be used for any upcoming excursions or incursions for any students in your family. When returning permission forms such as the Sculptures by the Sea please write ‘swimming credit’ in the payment section.
For the safety and convenience of all kiss 'n ride users, please remain with your vehicle at all times. This is strictly a NO PARKING area.
If you arrive late to school and wish to accompany your child/ren to the office you must park in designated parking areas not in the kiss n' ride as it inconveniences others who are using the facility correctly.
Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account for excursions or voluntary contributions can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing.
For example: J Citizen yr 1
BSB: 066 040
Account: # 19905042
Thank you to those families that have already paid their voluntary contributions for the year.
The amount asked from parents is determined by the School Board each year. The monies available are used to offset the cost of photocopying, ICT charges and the replacement of non-consumable books and items that students use in class e.g. reading books. The total amount of contributions parents and carers are being asked to pay for students is $60 per student – this is the maximum amount set in the School Education Regulations. Families with two or more children are asked to contribute $120 per family. Our P&C can also be included with an amount of $20 per family.
Payment can be made at the front office with cash or card, or by direct deposit to our bank account. Our bank account details are provided above under the Online Payments heading.