Principal Report

Principal Message – Term 1

Principal’s Message Week 10 Term 1 2022


It is incredible to think that 10 weeks have passed by so quickly! It seems like it was only yesterday that we were welcoming everyone back through the gate for their very first day of 2022.

It has been the first uninterrupted period of learning onsite for a very long time and over the term we have seen our children settle into school routines and develop/ re-establish relationships. We have had, as a school, a very clear focus on wellbeing. This has been intentional and as research has shown, wellbeing is inherently linked to student outcomes. If we have learnt anything from the lockdowns, we know learning is a social construct (students rely on others to help create their building blocks and learning from others helps them construct their own knowledge and reality) and building on children’s social capital has been of outmost importance this term.  As the year continues, we know by investing in this now we have provided the foundations and conditions for them to flourish as confident and capable learners.


For me there have been a number of notable moments worth highlighting this term. In particular, I would like to mention our Sports Day. The first we have been able to hold in three years. The day for me was most memorable for the camaraderie, teamwork and great ‘spirit’ that shone brightly in our children as they participated in the day. Everywhere I looked there were smiling faces, hugs, cheers and genuine encouragement for and towards one another. 

Most people would agree that good ‘sportsmanship’ is about honoring and respecting everyone out on the field. It is wonderful to witness this in our children especially on occasions such as this. This is something that we value as a school and continually work with our children to always remember; to respect, emapthise and show compassion towards one another in all aspects of their lives. 

The other occasion has been during our Open Days. Every prospective parent who has toured our school has commented on our Year 6 leaders their confidence and eloquence in explaining the academic opportunities they have, how they all know one another across the school, the wellbeing programs we offer and just how the school works in general. Term 1 is all about building and establishing relationships. It cannot be underestimated that a strong sense of belonging, and connectedness that our children feel. 

As a school community we have been very fortunate and despite navigating a small COVID wave, we have been able to continue to provide all sorts of extracurricular activities and gatherings for our community: District Swimming, Reconciliation for year 4, Wellbeing Week, music (every second week) with Chris, St Columba’s Kids peer support mornings, Walk/Ride to school day, Chinese New Year Celebrations, Harmony Week, School Sports Day, assemblies back onsite, Year 3-6 Parish Mass and BBQ and last Sunday’s Children’s Marqt, just to name a few.

I wish to thank the PFA for getting behind the social events this term and for the way in which they have brought the community together over multiple occasions. The Marqt was such a wonderful day for our school and broader community. I thank all those who gave so generously of their time to make it a success and for all those who supported on the day. Events such as these are so valuable in establishing community and I hope that we will be able to continue to gather many more times over the school year.

Indeed, it has been a great start to the year, and I feel excited and blessed that so much of what we have put into place is really coming together. It is a credit to each member of this community, students, staff and parents, and is indicative of the enthusiasm and care we collectively bring to our school and community.

I know that we are all looking forward to the break school holidays and Easter will provide. I trust that all families will have a safe and restful holiday and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 26th April when we start Term 2.



The summer uniform can be worn for the beginning of term 2. As the UV is still quite high at this time of the year all children are also required to wear their school hat until advised otherwise.

The full winter uniform is to be worn from Monday 23rd May.

A reminder that rugby tops are to be worn with sports uniform only.