Sporting News 

Frozen the Hit Broadway Musical 

On Wednesday 8 December, Ms Pumphrey took both of her dance classes this year to watch Frozen the Musical at Her Majesty’s Theatre. Students were very excited that they were able to re-book their tickets and get to see this performance on their official last day of school. 


The students caught the train into the city during the afternoon and had time to enjoy the Christmas decorations in the city at Federation Square, the Myer Christmas Windows and eat dinner in China town before the show. The Musical started at 7pm and for most students it was their first Broadway musical experience which they all were thoroughly impressed by. The special effects of the stage turning to ice, as well as the costumes, singing and humour was enjoyed by all. Frozen was amazing and the students and staff enjoyed their night out in the city. Thank-you to Ms Ball and Ms Budd who also accompanied the students to the show and home on the train until 11pm Wednesday night.  Congratulations to both Year 9 Dance classes who filmed a lovely Contemporary Dance to ‘Someone like you’ that they presented at the Year 9 final assembly. 


“We can’t choose the music that life gives us, but we can choose how to dance to it.” - Unknown. 


Ms Pumphrey 

Year 9 Dance Teacher