English News 

Creative Writing Club

In 2021, the Nossal student community wrote some truly fantastic pieces of creative writing. To commemorate their wonderful achievements, particularly in such a time of strain, the Creative Writing Club produced an anthology of stellar work ranging from scripts to poems to short stories. The Art Club expanded and advanced the project yet further, providing beautiful and innovative illustrations to link Nossal's Arts communities together. Here is a segment from of the book by its editor and its designer:


When I first envisioned this book, I had very modest ambitions. My goal was simply to provide a perspective on Nossal during lockdown, the perseverance of our spirit despite the odds. Instead, I have been astounded by both the amount of community engagement and our genuine passion for art in all its forms. It is evident, merely from flicking through these pages, how much Nossal students have thrived during this period and embraced their creative sides, and I am glad that we have a testament to the work put in this year. A special mention must, of course, go out to Minuki and the Art Club, who have brightened these pages and shown us the true breadth of Nossal's skill. Thank you all so much for your beautiful brush, pencil and keystrokes. Ms. Lee-Ack, our teacher representative, has also been a constant benevolent presence in the CWC, and we couldn't have done any of this without her. This book is the culmination of student effort in 2021, and we hope that you enjoy it.


 Lola Sargasso

Creative Writing Club Co-Leader &

CWC Book Editor

The Art Club is incredibly grateful for this opportunity to collaborate with members of the CWC who - regardless of the difference in media - have blown us away with their creativity, and the range of stories and insights they had to share. There was absolutely no shortage of inspiration when it came to illustrating these works! Sure, they say a picture is worth a thousand words - but even trying to match the passion, thought and hard work of these talented writers in a single drawing is quite a hefty challenge. We're honoured to be able to do our best and add a little something extra of our own, and the Art Club is definitely looking forward to creating great things with the CWC in the future!


Minuki Satharasinghe

Art Club Leader and CWC Book Designer