Prep - Year 10 Awards

Verbal Linguistic
The ability to use words effectively whether orally or in writing.
Prep: Olivia S
One: Mason G
Two: Addison M
Three: Deng M
Four: Isabel V
Five: Adrian I
Six: Gabby R
Seven: Marta S
Eight: Alannah C
Nine: Charlotte A
Ten: Adrian S
Visual Spatial
The ability to perceive the world visually.
Prep: Arjun B
One: Apajok D
Two: Kathy N
Three: Ivy L
Four: Harlow W
Five: Ella B
Six: Virat K
Seven: Kevin L
Eight: Mia V
Nine: Izak F
Ten: Marcella T
Musical Rhythmic
The ability to perceive, discriminate, transform and express musical forms.
Prep: Zoe H-G
One: Tadana C
Two: Audrey T
Three: Phoenix T
Four: Kiara T
Five: Seyhan S
Six: Jun O
Seven: Olivia T
Eight: Anhad S
Nine: Nash C
Ten: Adrian S
The ability to notice and make distinctions in the intention, motivations, moods, feelings and thoughts of others.
Prep: Tida K
One: Tahlia J
Two: Harry A
Three: Nisa K
Four: Chloe A
Five: Xavier D
Six: Braeden V
Seven: Takura M
Eight: Aiden J
Nine: Salv T
Ten: Bridie A
The ability to access personal feelings, reflect and act upon them.
Prep: Jasmine B
One: Preesha D
Two: Marley F
Three: Klara J
Four: Hanan D
Five: Prarthana N
Six: Milana S
Seven: Christina T
Eight: Jesse H
Nine: Jamil T
Ten: Jackson R
The ability to recognise, identify and classify species of the natural world.
Prep: Monica D
One: Jackson W
Two: Connor P
Three: Grace T
Four: Ryan L
Five: Jiya P
Six: Evie N
Seven: Harmony O
Eight: Olvia K
Nine: Nash C
Ten: Dennis Q
Logical Mathematical
The ability to use numbers effectively and show strong logical reasoning skills.
Prep: Charlotte S
One: Swapnill A
Two: Joben S-C
Three: Duncan S
Four: Bertrand N
Five: Tanya S
Six: Vignesh S
Seven: Taylor V
Eight: Angela T
Nine: Abbey Z
Ten: Mariana I
Bodily Kinaesthetic
The ability to use the body and mind to display the performance of physical tasks and functions.
Prep: Ethan F
One: Oscar S
Two: Garv G
Three: Amrit B
Four: Lachlan H
Five: Eva L
Six: Cameron F
Seven: Toby L
Eight: Jorja P
Nine: Nick T
Ten: Chloe T
Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars
Michaella T
School Sports of Victoria Winner
Chase S
Year 6 Valedictorian
Vignash S