Junior School news

Sarah McKenzie and Jacqui Sidaway


It was lovely to see all Junior School classes back onsite last week. The buzz in the classrooms and playground were welcomed by all. As students adapt back to onsite learning, we encourage families to monitor their daughter’s energy levels and be mindful of bedtime routine. Students may be tired during this transitional period after so much time in lockdown.

AVA Science Challenge

This term our Year 6 students have participated in the Australian Virtual Astronaut (AVA) Challenge. They are working in teams to design a device or environment that would allow them to grow food on the Moon. Below are some Year 6 students are currently working on.

JDC living and non-living things

This Term, JDC students are investigating living and non-living things. During remote learning students in Year 2 demonstrated creativity when designing and making their own insects, using a range of resources. Here are just some examples of their magnificent work.


We were very excited to receive a chrysalis for each JDC classroom this week. We have named the chrysalises Lily, Sunny and Jingle. We look forward to watching them turn into butterflies. We are expecting Monarch butterflies but we will keep you posted.


Finally, we are looking forward to visiting the Melbourne Zoo on Thursday 18 November to learn more about living things and their habitats. Very exciting times in the JDC at the moment!

Norris-Ongso Family take on Portugal!

We are happy to report the Norris-Ongso family have settled well into their new life in Portugal. Below is some news the girls wanted to share with the Shelford community.


‘St Peter’s it is very different to Shelford because we eat cafeteria food for lunch and there are boys in our class! I miss Shelford a lot and hope it’s ok in Melbourne. We have settled into Portugal and are learning Portuguese. We have been to beaches and other amazing things like castles. I miss you all.’



‘In Portugal we’ve been to castles, churches, beaches, ruins and more. Portugal is very old, it was officially a kingdom in year 1139! There are boys and girls and it’s very different. I hope you have a fun year Shelford. I love Shelford for being so unique.’



‘We have settled in well and are learning Portuguese. We have bought a house in a nice neighbourhood. The village is called Azeitao. The weather is fantastic, and it is very calm. There are a lot of other places near Portugal like Paris, Switzerland, and Greece. We are planning to go to London for Christmas. I hope you can visit Portugal sometime soon.’


Junior School Transition

The upcoming transition day for all Junior School students will take place on Monday 22 November.


Due to the current climate, we have arranged a program for onsite, and online if necessary. The format of the day will be confirmed closer to the date.


The programs are outlined below.


Onsite: 9am–2pm

  • Shelford students from Prep to Year 5 will arrive at school for the start of a 'normal day' at 8.30am.
  • Students will return to their 2021 classroom at 2pm and finish school at the usual time.
  • Students are to wear School Sports uniform.

Online: 9–10.15am

  • Current Shelford students will have the opportunity to meet their new classmates and teachers online using Microsoft Teams.

Our current Year 6 students will be participating in the Year 7 transition program. Students will:

  • Participate in transition activities in small groups, be placed into their 2022 Home Groups, and work with their Wellbeing Mentor.
  • Wear neat casual clothes.
  • Return to normal onsite classes after lunch, and finish school as normal at 3.15pm.

SPA stalls

After postponing the Father’s Day stall, we are pleased to inform families that this will now take place on Friday 12 November. Also, SPA will host our annual Christmas stall on Monday 6 December.

Upcoming events

  • Friday 19 November: Whole School Curriculum Day
  • Friday 26 November: Year 6 Graduation
  • Monday 6 December: Final day of term 12pm dismissal

Sarah McKenzie, Head of Junior Discovery Centre

Jacqui Sidaway, Head of Years 3–6