Middle Years report

Reengaging and reconnecting

Reengaging and Reconnecting

It has been wonderful to have the Year 7 and 8 students on campus. Seeing them engage with their peers and participate enthusiastically in their classes has been a joy. Indeed, there has been an exciting buzz around the school as the girls have sought to reconnect and reengage in public life. Nonetheless, I acknowledge that the process of coming out of lockdown has been challenging for some. So, taking the time to check in with your daughter would be beneficial. As I have in the past, I recommend instituting the Dinner Time Rule: ‘No screens; everyone contributes’. Using the time together to hold conversations about the day and our experiences is a rich opportunity for connection. When talking, ask about one thing achieved or learned today (the past), one thing of which the speaker is proud or has noted as interesting (present) and one thing they desire moving forward (future). Of course, I am here to support girls, as are the school’s psychologists.


Last Friday, Year 7 and 8 students participated in the first of two sex education sessions run by Sex Education Australia. The sessions are designed to provide informative and appropriate education to develop girls' understanding of the various facets of relationships including identity, reproductive biology, safe practices and consent. Girls have opportunity to ask questions anonymously and seek information from the SEA Facilitator. The next session is planned for this Friday 12 November. This program is an important component of the broader sex education program offered to girls each year.


Students have been asked to provide their feedback on the wellbeing program at Years 7 and 8. And I look forward to discussing the results further with the Class Representatives in due course to strengthen and improve our program. Likewise, I welcome parent input; I am always happy to discuss the programs at Years 7 and 8.


Tristan Hill

Middle Years Coordinator