Parenting Ideas 

Taking Care of Yourself

Looking after your own wellbeing and mental and physical health is important. Sometimes it can be hard to do, but as much as possible try to:


  • remind yourself that no one is perfect and that you are doing the best you can
  • eat well and drink plenty of water
  • get enough sleep
  • make time every day to do something that you enjoy
  • ask for help from family, friends, your GP or a counselor.


There are a range of services you can access for advice and support:

Parentline - a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. Offers confidential and anonymous counselling and support for parenting issues.


Raising Children’s Network: parent mental health – offers advice and support on looking after yourself, healthy relationships, conflict management, dealing with stress and anxiety, anger management and helping children adjust to family breakdown.


Better Health Channel’s Self-Care – provides self-care strategies, connecting with others, being kind to yourself, relationship support, seeking mental health support.


Beyond Blue – offers confidential one on one calls and chats with a trained mental health professional and tools and resources to look after your mental health.


Black Dog Institute - provides self-tools and apps, advice on when and where to seek help, information on mental health conditions and support groups.