Year 3 - Year 5

Assistant Principal's Report

Jane King

End of 2020 School Year!  

Another fantastic year at ‘The Springs’ has come and gone!  Whilst we had our challenges, we learnt together – teachers, students and parents – and we made it!


The COVID pandemic pushed us into remote learning and forced a re-think in terms of learning and celebrations, I am proud to say, we still achieved it all.  A virtual Year 4 camp, aerobics, online teaching and learning, our very own YouTube channel, 2021 transition, breakfast club, class parties and events.  My favourite celebration, of course, is always seeing and being a part of student growth and achievement.  Hearing teaching and integration staff rave about how awesome their students are, makes being here every day the best.  Below are some happy snaps of our Year 5 students illustrating and reading, with their Year 1 buddies, the storybooks they made together about Christmas. 


Next year, our school will focus on the Department Priorities of Extension and Catch up by targeting all students who have excelled during remote learning, remained on track and those who may have stagnated.  2021 teaching teams have already jumped on this data to ensure planning days and effective learning from day one next year is possible.


In 2021, I will continue on as the Assistant Principal and Learning Community Leader with a focus on Year 3-5 student learning and staffing alongside the administrative aspect of the job.  Strong student learning outcomes, well-being, engagement and behaviour expectations will be a focus across these teams however at PSPS, this also remains the responsibility of all staff and families.


I would like to say a massive thank you to each and every family for your support during this very strange year. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Thank you for the cards, gifts and kind words. Every smile and kind word make each day a great day.



I wish all the ‘Springer’ families a very Merry Christmas / Happy Holiday break and a very prosperous ‘New-Year’.


Jane King

Year 3 - Year 5 Assistant Principal