Aboriginal Studies Students Field Trip to Little Bay

Year 9 and Year 10 Aboriginal Studies Students

Aboriginal Studies Year 9 and Year 10 students went to Little Bay at South West Rocks, as part of their course and met with the Figtree Descendants Aboriginal Corporation. This was a fabulous day learning about a local Aboriginal corporation, connecting to country through stories, dance, music, food and workshops. 

The students met up with Aunty Nancy Patterson and the Fiftree Descendants Aboriginal Corporation where they were welcomed to Country by Nancy.

The students then took off their shoes and went down onto the sand and shuffled along after Nancey – following her footsteps to make a giant Dhawarr (Sea Turtle) in the sand.

Members of the Figtree Corporation told us Dreamtime stories and got us to do a Kangaroo Dance.

Lunch was supplied by the Figtree Corporation and included damper and Johnny cakes. After lunch the boys and girls were separated into two groups. Girls 

collected leaves from the lomandra bushes and were taught how to use them in weaving. The boys looked at traditional weapons and played the Didgeridoo.


Everyone had a wonderful day. 


Thank you Figtree Mob for an awesome experience.