A message from the Principal

Mr Rob Lyttle

As the school year draws to a close I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the school community in maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for our students at Kempsey High School in what can only be described as the most challenging year we have had to navigate in recent history.


Despite the challenges we have been able to achieve so much positivity.


Orientation Day was a fabulous success. Thanks to all the schools in the Macleay and particularly the staff here at KHS who put together a fabulous opportunity for our incoming year 7s to experience a day in high school. Despite the limitations and restrictions the year 6 students from across the valley came to our campus in droves and tasted a day in high school. The smiles said it all. To the parent and carers who were unable to attend we look forward to the opportunity to have you visit our campus next when the restrictions ease.


One of the highlights for me was the Emotional Assertiveness Training that the students and staff undertook in week 7.  I am sure this invaluable trial will continue to deliver positive outcomes for students and staff not only at school but at home and any environment they find themselves in in the future. Understanding their own emotions and the emotions of others is powerful, however the ability to use the tips and tricks in navigating the behaviours behind the emotions is particularly significant. I look forward to continuing to work with TrainingLab later this year and into next as we build on these insights and skills. I encourage parents and carers to keep an eye out for communication of parent sessions to further support students with these strategies outside of the school environment.


This year KHS was fortunate to have one of our own students recognised at the Nanga Mai awards- Preston Kelly was recognised for his leadership and commitment to himself, his peers, his school and his community in a virtual ceremony honouring the achievements of those making significant impact in indigenous education in NSW. We are very proud of you Preston!


We had a great night celebrating year 12 success and graduation with parents and carers, finally. While we were limited to the number of guests invited due to Covid, we were amazed at the energy in the room and it was great to be able to share it with those special people in their lives. The students looked amazing in their formal attire and they celebrated in style. A big thanks goes out to the staff and students who worked tirelessly behind the scenes on the night and  in the weeks leading up in preparation.


While we look forward to 2021 there will be some things from this year that we will miss. Mrs Kim Burton one of our fabulous comprehensive teachers was rewarded for her years of hard work and commitment to our students with a promotion to head teacher Wellbeing at Hastings Secondary College, Port Macquarie Campus. Our loss is their gain and we wish her all the best in her new position. This year we were fortunate to have Mrs Leesa Lloyd-Field be our Head Teacher Wellbeing and she did a fabulous job supporting and nurturing our students in and out of the classroom. Leesa will be returning to her substantive position as School Counsellor here at Kempsey High School for 2 days per week. Leesa will be replaced by Jane Walker who is coming back to the valley after some time kicking goals at Murray High School in the riverina. Jane brings a wealth of experience and we look forward to her continuing on the fabulous work out of the Head Teacher Wellbeing space in 2021. We are also welcoming Jo Taylor to a new position we are trialling in 2021 – Head Teacher Teaching and Learning who will be bringing her skills to support our students and teacher to improve learning outcomes across the faculties here at Kempsey High. She will fit in nicely with the new senior study project, staffed by Nicole Findlay and Tim Squires to support our senior students to achieve better results. Exciting times ahead.


Thank you to all who have supported our students and staff here at KHS in 2020… it will be a year we will never forget. Wishing you all a safe and happy summer break.


As always if you have questions or concerns please contact the school.


Kind regards,


Rob Lyttle


Relieving Principal | Kempsey High School