Community News


On Saturday the 30th January, Selini competed in 2021 State Track and Field Combined Events Championships, conducted by Little Athletics Victoria at Lakeside Stadium - Albert Park. 


It was Selini’s first State event and she finished 8th in the State (under 9 girls), based on her overall score for the 5 track and field events. 


Selini also placed 2nd in the State for her 100m run. 


Looking forward to having Selina as part of the Camelot Rise PS Athletics team in 2021.


Primary School Wear (PSW)

Wearing school uniform fosters pride in our school, encourages children to identify with the school and feel a sense of belonging. It also assists with supervision and safety on visits out of the school, and unifies students from varying social and cultural backgrounds.


Primary School Wear (PSW) now produce and sell our school uniform. 


For PSW uniform information, online ordering and click & collect services click HERE 


School Uniform and Drink Bottles Reminder

Please ensure that your children are dressed each and every day wearing their CRPS uniform including school Sun Smart hat and school jumper or jacket. 

It is wonderful that the warmer weather has finally arrived, however it is also essential that the children bring a named water bottle to school every day please.

Join our Facebook page and stay connected

Camelot Rise Primary School invites you to join our very own Facebook Group. As a school community, we are very keen for you to keep in touch with communications and to make connecting with our school convenient.

Enrolments are open for 2022

Enrolments for 2022 are now being accepted. Enrolment forms are available on the Camelot Rise Primary School website. Prospective families are encouraged to complete the forms and return them to as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Scholastics Book Club 

New issue out now!

Scholastic aims to give every child access to quality books and learning materials, and create literacy-rich homes, schools and communities throughout  Australia.

To help achieve this goal, Scholastic Rewards were created as a form of currency as a way to give back to schools.

Every time you participate in a Scholastic offering, your School is being rewarded!

For example, for every Book Club order that you place, Scholastic gives back 20% of your total order spend to your school as Scholastic Rewards.


Scholastic gives away millions of dollars in Scholastic Rewards each year, helping to stretch countless school and classroom budgets further.

In doing so, educators have access to an extensive range of resources and cross-curriculum products to help their students reach their highest  potential.

Classroom Cuisine

Lunch can be ordered online through the following Classroom Cuisine website on Wednesdays and Fridays from Wednesday 3rd February.