School Council President

2020 has been the strangest year I can remember. A routine start to the year followed by lockdown and remote learning and then a return to school that most of us assumed would last for the remainder of the year. How wrong we were.


Many people found the second lockdown and remote learning period to be tougher than the first - that was certainly the case for my family. And yet, now that we have returned to a relatively normal existence, those tough times seem to be fading away quickly and we can look forward to enjoying our Christmas and summer holidays.


One of the biggest unknowns for the school during the second remote learning period was whether we'd be able to hold a grade six graduation, and if so, what form it could take.


We wanted to give our grade sixes the best possible send-off and the graduation on Tuesday evening turned out to be a wonderful event. We'd spent many weeks thinking we might only be allowed to have students and teachers attend in-person, with family members watching online, so it was a great relief that we able to have families join us for the evening.


A lot of effort went in to organising the graduation and I'd like to to thank the teachers and students for their hard work. We were still making changes right up until the last week and everyone showed amazing adaptability which was vital in allowing us to hold the biggest and best night possible.


I'd also like to send a big thank-you to the following parents who worked on the yearbook and helped decorate the Performing Arts Theatre for the graduation night.

  • Rachel Paul
  • Rick McEvoy
  • Dani Ramak
  • Nikki McGown
  • Emmaline Patterson
  • Jo Wierzbowski
  • Karina Vitiritti
  • Leasa Dyason
  • Lynne Kruger
  • Melissa Carnes
  • Tania Youl

Thank you to Sue Dyos for hosting the night. I know Sue is always sad to say goodbye to the grade sixes as they leave our school, but she's also very proud of the way they have grown and developed during their time with us and excited for them to start the next stage of their lives at high school.


I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas. Farewell to those families who have finished their time at ACPS and I look forward to seeing everyone else back at school next year.


Jimmy Harris