Assistant Principal's Report

Chaplaincy Funding 

We were notified last week that our grant application for funding through the National School Chaplaincy Program was successful. With this, we can guarantee the program for the next two years. This is such amazing news for our community. Our Chaplain, Robyn, does incredible work with our kids, enhancing their wellbeing and self-worth. She will continue to be a valuable resource for all families. Make sure to keep an eye on her weekly newsletter articles, as they offer so many tips, links and thoughts for not only kids, but parents as well.


Final thoughts

As 2020 comes to a close, it is incredible to reflect upon all that has happened within our school and community. Despite the huge challenges of lockdowns and remote learning, we have managed to find positives and deepen home / school partnerships. I have been so proud of the students in the way they have adapted, been resilient, and supported each other. Parents and carers have played a massive role in trying circumstances, and for this I thank you deeply. I am equally proud of our teachers and ES staff, who have worked so hard and been so dedicated, to make the best of the situation for our kids.


I've been here for three terms now, and have felt so welcomed. This truly is a dynamic, caring and supportive school community, one I'm proud to now be a part of. I am greatly looking forward to a productive, collaborative 2021 at ACPS.


Enjoy a safe and happy holidays,

Jake Laurie


Acting Assistant Principal