Year 7

Year 7 finally get to go on camp
Last week forty four Year 7 students and five teaching staff enthusiastically participated in a three day camp at Howman’s Gap Alpine Centre. Both students and staff enjoyed small group activities that challenged them to cooperate as a team; building, confidence, persistence and resilience. Physical challenges included, Canoeing, Rock wall climb, Archery, High ropes, Giant swing and Initiative events. A team based trivia night launched us into the first evening…… with plenty of talking and whispering late into the night. On the second night a number of students accomplished the navigation of the night orienteering course while others played indoor games in the recreation room. We trust all students had a lot of fun while also learning how to live and work together to accomplish both independent and group goals. A big thankyou to Miss Strickland, Miss Orr, Mr Kelly, Mr Thomas and all the Year 7 students who attended and made the camp a wonderful success.