Music and National Water Week

National Water Week
Lets celebrate, three CSC students during lockdown worked with Ms Mclean to produce a video explaining how CSC is positively managing water. Here is the boys video featuring Kody Gork, Liam Waddington & Dallas Wilson.
Below is the certificate to say they won a grant/competition to have a special data collection tool for our school’s water meter of $500. This tool will allow students to see how much water we use for Science and Maths classes. Added to this, it also alerts the school if we have a pipe leak or any other issue with our water supply.
Music News - Senior String Orchestra workshops on Google Meet
Since Covid-19 has taken our ability to play together in person, we have been meeting online on Google Meet for String Orchestra rehearsals with string tutors Heather and Libby. Over the past 4 weeks, with guest artist Elizabeth Welsh, we have delved deep into the world of baroque music.
As an introduction Lizzy showed us all various different historical instruments made to resemble those that were played during the baroque period. Each different instrument had a specialty unique to its period of time that it would have played, with notable features such as strings made from animal guts, and a viola da gamba made to be played on your knees and with 6 strings like a viola-cello-guitar hybrid. Through each different era of violin playing, not only the violins but the bows have changed, as new musical styles called for different set up of the instruments (eg longer, heavier bows for Romantic repertoire).
We engaged in small masterclasses where one person would play a baroque piece and get feedback while the rest observed. This was good to develop our understanding of baroque style music. Alongside these mini tutorials we also engaged in some full ensemble work, focusing on aspects of baroque such as beat hierarchies and sprinkles of vibrato. Due to the lag over the internet we all had to play with our microphones off, so we’ve been a bit more quiet than usual! Lizzie helped us to explore ways of playing in a historically informed style while also making an individual’s artistic choice, really bringing our baroque playing to life. It’s been a great way to continue playing together throughout this term even through the difficulties of covid.
Beatrix Dimsey and Anais Kerr, CSC violinists
Year 8 Music Elective Class Concert