Faith, Justice & Formation 

Year 7 SOL Service

This year, members of our College community have been completing a range of activities to contribute to their Shining Our Light (SOL) service. This has been a fantastic opportunity for boys to live our College’s mission of being challenged to serve the other. I would like to particularly highlight the efforts of Gus Cockrell from Year 7. Gus put a call out to his local community to collect and recycle unwanted amenities from hotels and airlines in an initiative he named ‘One Man’s Trash’. Items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, socks, underwear, toothpaste and other toiletries were collected, packaged and distributed to those experiencing homelessness and social isolation via the Wayside Chapel. 


I would like to congratulate Gus on his achievement, as I am sure that this has made a big difference to the lives of those in need. I acknowledge that there have been many other noteworthy initiatives undertaken by boys across all Year groups, and we will be proud to provide recognition for their efforts on their Semester 2 reports and through presenting Extra Service Awards.  

Melissa Shannon

Year 7 Coordinator


Prayer of Thanks

Dear God


We thank you for all that you have given us;  

Our family and friends; our luxuries and our opportunities.  

We thank you for everything that has been given to us from you.  

We offer our thanks to you.  

We ask for your mercy to come upon us.  

Help us see and do good each and every day.  

Help us to follow the examples set by our Lord and all the Saints. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 



Anthony Karnaout

Faith In Action Team