Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Little Learners Love Literacy Celebration!

Mrs Ireland
Mrs Ireland

In Foundation this year, the students have been learning all of their letters and sounds through Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) Program.


Last week, in recognition of this, they celebrated Milo’s Birthday Surprise!


The day was filled with fun, excitement and lots of gorgeous costumes based around the LLLL characters. 


Resilience in Children

Since our students have returned to school, I have noted and commented on how happy they were to be back at school with their friends and teachers, and how quickly they settled back in to their learning. This is a good indicator of their resilience.


Resilience … it’s a familiar word, isn’t it? But what does it really mean?

When we talk about resilience, we’re talking about a child’s ability to cope with ups and downs, and bounce back from the challenges they experience during childhood – for example moving home, changing schools, studying for an exam or dealing with the death of a loved one and in 2020 – coping with COVID and Learning from Home. Building resilience helps children not only to deal with current difficulties that are a part of everyday life, but also to develop the basic skills and habits that will help them deal with challenges later in life, during adolescence and adulthood.


Resilience is important for children’s mental health. Children with greater resilience are better able to manage stress, which is a common response to difficult events. Stress is a risk factor for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, if the level of stress is severe or ongoing.


So where does resilience come from?

Resilience is shaped partly by the individual characteristics we are born with (our genes, temperament and personality) and partly by the environment we grow up in — our family, community and the broader society. While there are some things we can’t change, such as our biological makeup, there are many things we can change. 


As a parent, carer, or significant adult, you can help to develop essential skills, habits and attitudes for building resilience at home by helping your child to:

There are some simple things you can do to build your child’s resilience in these areas (click on the links above to find out more).

Ref :

Children Left in Hot Cars

As temperatures begin to soar, so too do the dangers of leaving kids alone in cars on hot days. On hot days, the temperature in the car can double, which can be extremely dangerous – even fatal – for children (and animals also) left inside. Although it is never the intention to leave children alone for long, many parents do so while making a quick stop at the newsagent, chemist, or corner shop.


A quick stop to pick something up can take much longer than expected. Research shows that one in three parents admit to leaving children alone in the car, with one in five believing it is acceptable for less than five minutes. 


Young children are particularly at risk as their body temperature can reach dangerous levels more quickly than expected. A young child’s body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult’s does, placing them at greater risk of life threatening heatstroke, dehydration and other health risks. When it’s 30 degrees outside, children could be suffering in up to 60 degree heat. When travelling with a child, parents need to make sure they take their child with them - no exceptions, no excuses!

Staggered Drop Off and Pick Up Times

Surname starting with

Drop Off Time

Pick up time


8.30 - 8.45am



8.45 - 9.00am


For pick up at the end of the day, please make sure your child knows which gate you are going to pick them up from.


Teachers walk the Foundation students to the basketball courts.

They will be dismissed from there when their parent or older sibling arrives. 


Year 1 to Year 6 students are dismissed from their classroom. 

A number of staff supervise at each exit point.


Please contact the office if:

  • You have a child starting in Foundation in 2021.
  • Your child is going to attend a different school next year.

Food for Thought:










Angelika Ireland