
Agnes Moeono 


Before and After School Care has been very busy so far, as we have been taking this time to welcome everyone to 2017, especially our new families.


The past two weeks we have based our  weekly programs around “welcoming” and “all about me”. During our welcoming week we asked everyone to introduce themselves to those who are new to Camp Australia, ensuring it was a comfortable environment for our new preps. Each child was able to decorate their own portrait by adding features and colours and everyone was invited to participate in our Birthday Cake board, where the students were given a small strip of paper to decorate with their name and birth date.


In our 'all about me week' we created profile maps where the students were asked to write their names, favourite acitivities etc. On Valentine's Day we cut out red hearts and asked the students to write something or someone that they love. Some ideas the students came up with were parents, art, reading, music and St Kilda Saints.


We have also been teaching the students the importance of the Camp Australia Rules. These include; 

  • no running inside
  • respecting others, staff, Kingswood property and Camp Australia resources
  • using inside voices
  • using manners, remembering to use “please” and “thank you”.

In up-coming weeks, during arts and crafts we will be “serving our school community”. The students from grade 5/6 that are in Camp Australia have decided to use their  time to help the make origami paper cranes for the School Japanese class that will be taken to Japan during the grade 5/6 trip. Students have aready started to teach each other how to make a paper cranes. We are always looking for opportunities to serve our School Community.

Kingswood Primary School students are awesome!


Special Reminders:

  • Medical: make sure your childs medication is in date before coming to school.
  • Bookings: make sure you notify the coordinator that your child will not attending, if you haven’t already cancelled your booking online.

We would like to thank all the parents for their communication and getting forms signed especially our medical action plan. Your commitment to getting this done and signed on time has awarded our service with 100% compliance.


From the Kingswood Camp Australia staff we hope you all have a good week.