Wellbeing and Community Engagement

Patrick Halpin 

Wellbeing and Community Engagement


Firstly, let me send a massive congratulations to all 5 Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for designing and presenting their 'Information Nights'.  I attended all five and learned a lot about the programs and approaches that will be used in each grade across the school. 

Thanks to all of the parents who took the time to attend – it really is a fantastic opportunity to have your questions answered and your queries addressed.  If anybody has any feedback on the process please speak to your child’s classroom teacher or to me directly.

Classroom Helpers

Parents have been attending Parent Helper Information Sessions this week.  We have hosted four sessions and approximately fifty participants attended.  It is great to see parents returning to re-train after enjoying very positive experiences volunteering in their child(ren)’s classrooms and on other school events such as, excursions, swimming, camp, in the garden, kitchen and canteen. 

We welcome the new parents who attended the training for the first time and look forward to the positive difference they make to our school community and to the learning experiences of the students over the next few years. 

Become a Play Leader

The Year 5 students have been busy preparing their applications to become a Play Leader.  This is a joint project run by Kingswood Primary School, St. Mark’s Primary School and Dingley Village Primary School to build leadership and resilience in the students of all three schools.

2017 is a very exciting year for the team.  In March, each school will train thirty Play Leaders (PLs).  The training will take one full day to complete during school time.  When the training is complete, the Play Leaders will have responsibility for organising games for other students, including younger students, during lunch times and recess throughout the year.  A timetable will be drawn up so each PL will be on duty for one playtime each week. 


“The PLAY program builds resilience in young students.  Playing encourages imagination, develops sequencing skills, concentration and increases the potential to learn by increasing mental flexibility.  It is excellent for intellectual and cognitive development skills.  In short, it’s good for the development of young brains.” 

- Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist.


The team are busy assessing the applications and the successful applicants will be announced at assembly on Friday 24th Februaury. 

Save the date...

The Parents Club are excitedly preparing for our Family Night which will take place on March 17th from 5:30pm.  There have been lots of phone calls and cheering as the specific events begin to fall into place.  Please enter the event into your diaries and join us on the night.  It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents and the staff. 

More information from the Parents Club will follow next week.   


It has been a pleasure getting to know the students and their parents over the past few weeks. Please feel free to contact me by phoning the school office or by emailing halpin.patrick.p@edumail.vic.gov.au if you have any concerns, queries, questions or ideas regarding wellbeing and/or community engagement.