Assistant School Principal
Aaron Cox
Assistant Principal
First Month of School and the Value of Sleep
It is safe to say we have had a very good start to 2017. Students are settling in very well, developing friendships and using their manners around school. What I have noticed though are some tired students. Andrew Fuller a prominent psychologist warns that the most important factor that impacts on a child’s learning is sleep. He advocates that children should be sleeping 12 hours a day to maximise their capacity to learn. Worldwide research also supports this position. It is important to develop routine and structure for children to be in bed at an appropriate time. It’s suggested all primary aged children be in bed between 7.15-8.30pm depending on their age. A lack of quality sleep impacts learning, behaviour, problem solving ability, concentration and many other important daily skills to function on a daily basis.
2017 School Production
Louise McLeod and Zander Norris officially informed the school community that this year’s production will be ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Principal cast members will be selected from Years 5 and 6 only. Year 3 and 4 students should not be disappointed as they will have opportunities in the years to come.
Compass Documentation
I would like to draw parent’s attention to school documentation that can be found on Compass including school policies, timetables, school maps, canteen price lists, school uniform price list and even a 2017 Parent Handbook.
Michael Grose National Tour
I have shared information with all parents in a News Feed about Michael Grose. He will be talking in Ashburton on March 17th. If parents are interested in gaining information on how to raise well adjusted independent children this opportunity should not be missed.
New South Wales University Competitions
Shared with all parents of children in Years 3-6, UNSW Competitions are now available to buy. These tests will be administered throughout the year but parents wanting their children to participate will need to complete the University Of New South Wales Competitions Years 3-6 course confirmation in Compass by no later than Friday, March 10th. Year 6 students and Japan Tour participants will not be present for specific tests. Once closed we will be seeking permission to administer tests that clash on alternative dates for effected students but this is yet to be confirmed.
Community Engagement Taskforce
If you are interested in contributing to this taskforce to improve school parent communication, please speak to Simon Lees (School Council President) or Russell Keys (School Council Vice President) about joining this group. Traditional methods of how community used to communicate is not resonating with current parents due to many influencing factors. We need to investigate how to engage community and develop strategies to build sustainable partnerships into the future.
I hope people will join us.
Compass Support
If you need any support with Compass, please come and see me. I am here ready to help any parent experiencing issues. Just reach out.