Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews


St James College values the partnership between Parents, students and teachers and parents are reminded to log into their PAM accounts to access their son's achievement in Work Tasks across all subject areas. This provides ongoing feedback about your son's academic achievement which is the foundation of the Parent Teacher interviews and semester reports.


Any questions about your son's progress or tasks, please contact his subject teacher.

Please see the document below on how to log into your PAM account.

Semester 1 Reports

Your son’s Semester Report is available online in the Parent Access Module (PAM). To access the report in PAM, first click on your son’s photo, select ‘Assessment Reports’ and then download the ‘Semester 1, 2019 – End of Semester Report’

The report is a compilation of the assessment tasks/tests, teacher feedback and grades which were progressively released to you and your son throughout the semester. It will include assessment against the relevant Victorian Curriculum standards and an assessment of the work habits demonstrated by your son over the course of the Semester.


For any issues accessing PAM, please contact the PAM Support Mailbox on 9575 8143 or  by emailing 

The College will need to confirm your identity before providing usernames and passwords.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Weeks 6 and 7 of Term 3. 


Bookings are now open via PAM

 The next Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will be held on 

Tuesday 27 August

More information was sent home via CareMonkey.


Natalie Bates

Curriculum Leader