SIS Write a Book in a Day

SIS Book in a Day

On Tuesday 13th August, the SIS Golden Pen Team competed in the SIS Write A Book In A Day comp. We competed against schools from different regions. It took place in the St James College Library.


All teams had from 9am till 5pm to submit the book. The boys first started off with an hour of planning. People shouted out random ideas and people scribbled down random thoughts on a whiteboard. At 10am we all agreed on the same idea and the writers began writing their chapters with heaps of snacks and sugar breaks in-between.


By two o’clock, it was almost panic station, because we were, as a group, still editing. Everyone continued to work to try and submit the book, which we did.


Our book was called The Emotional Bear. It is about a man who experiences a tragic accident and becomes depressed. The only thing that makes him happy is his Teddy Bear which turns different colours depending on what the main character is feeling. He then meets a special nurse while buying pills. I won’t spoil the ending. When we’ve cleaned it up a tiny bit more it will be available in the St James College Library.


Our next challenge will be the National Book in a Day on 30 August. If you would like to sponsor us to help children with cancer (and so that we can enter the judging process) then click on one of these links:


Golden Pen 1:


Golden Pen 2:



Year 8.3


On Tuesday, a few of the boys had a blast at the SIS Write a book in a Day. We were given several prompts or ideas that we had to work with when writing our book. This made it more difficult trying to write these ideas into our book, but we figured something out and managed to have a great time writing and drawing. 


We started at 9.00 AM, planned out everything, and wasted precious time arguing about story lines and finished off at 5.00 PM exhausted.


What a ride.


Year 8.3