Events at the College
Information Nights
We are indebted to the Hocking family for hosting our first Information night this year for both current and prospective families. Steve, Philippa, Harrison and Margot will open the beautiful Time and Tide at 21 Thistle Place Port Fairy on Tuesday May 23rd. We welcome and encourage our current families to support our Information nights where possible. These evenings provide a great opportunity for prospective families to learn more about the College and to meet Staff, students and our current families. They are also most enjoyable! The evening will commence at 6.00 pm with light refreshments before a brief presentation. The evening will conclude at approximately 7.30 pm.
If you are able to attend please email for catering purposes.
Further Information nights will be held in
Horsham on Wednesday May 24th at the Horsham RSL 6.00pm
Mt Gambier on Tuesday May 30th at The Barn 6.00pm (SA time).
Mrs Jen Hutton
Director of Community Relations