Myrniong - Early Learning and Primary

Notices to be Distributed in the Coming Week
- District Cross Country letters – qualifying students
Today we celebrated our Year Five students with a special Leadership Assembly. Students were asked to write letters of application for the role or roles they were interested in. After presenting speeches to their fellow House members and teachers, they were then voted into their positions of leadership. Dr Hirst presented the children their badges and a keyring whilst Mr Nelson shared with them the “key” to good leadership.
Berry House Captains:
Samuel Lees & Isabella O’Sullivan
Laidlaw House Captains:
Zoe Weinberg & Olivia Mann
Learmonth House Captains:
Cooper Bonnett & Chantal Jackson
Young House Captains:
Zoe Kennedy & Sophie Paton
Community Liaison Officers:
Sybil Fleetwood & Stirling Cuming
Music Captains:
Nick Hoskyns & Sybil Fleetwood
Art Captains:
Maggie Bourke & Sienna Lewis
SRC President:
Libby Diprose
Red Cross Youth / KidsMatter President:
Ben Vallance
Library Captain:
Emma Vallance
IT Captains:
Zinny Hunt & Jake Tonissen
Basketball Captains:
Diamon Dickeson & Cooper Bonnett
Hockey Captain:
Macey Hermon
Football Captains:
Tom Heazlewood & Isabella O’Sullivan
Swimming Captain:
Angus Stewart
Cricket Captains:
Charlie Beggs & Jake Tonissen
Horsemanship Captains:
Zoe Weinberg & Sophie Paton
Parents and friends joined us afterwards for photos, coffee and an informal chat.
Mothers' Day
On Friday we will celebrate Mother’s Day with an Assembly prepared by the students and their teachers.
Our Piccino to Year 5 students have been excitedly working on towards this with each class making a small
presentation. Both Prep to Year 3 and Year 4/5 Performance Arts Choirs will also perform. Parents and friends are
Jump Rope for Heart
Next Friday, the students will participate in our annual Jump Rope for Heart Jump Off. This year, sponsorship forms will not be sent home. Instead we ask each child to bring a gold coin donation to support the work of the Heart Foundation – a very worthy cause. Myrniong students will be joined by their Senior Campus peers for a fun afternoon of skipping activities. Junior School students should wear their House uniform to school for the day.
Mrs Stephen Nelson
Head of Junior School
Jump Rope for Heart
Next Friday, the students will participate in our annual Jump Rope for Heart Jump Off. This year, sponsorship forms will not be sent home. Instead we ask each child to bring a gold coin donation to support the work of the Heart Foundation – a very worthy cause. Myrniong students will be joined by their Senior Campus peers for a fun afternoon of skipping activities. Junior School students should wear their House uniform to school for the day.
AFL Gala Day
Last Thursday, the Year 4, 5 and 6 students came together to make up two sides to represent The Hamilton and Alexandra College in the Junior School 'AFL GALA' day at Pedrina Park.
The purpose of the day was not only to enjoy the experience of representing our school in AFL football but for many, to step out of their comfort zone and try something new. With no scores being recorded throughout the day, the two teams were very competitive all day.
The boys and girls played four 18 minute games in a round robin format against other primary schools in Hamilton. The future of the College Magpies looks promising with all players playing the game in the right spirit and both teams fortunate to notch up several wins on the day. Special mention to the following players who contributed well for their team all day:
· College Magpies: Cooper Bonnett, Charlotte Millier, George Huf, Charlotte Rowe, Christian
te Boekhorst and Will Merrin;
· College: Jack Austin, Tom O'Sullivan, Lachlan Rees, Bella O'Sullivan, Alice Whitehead and Harry Austin.
A massive thank you, firstly to the College Magpies Football Club who generously allowed the College to use their football jumpers for the day. Thank you, also, to our Head of Football, Mr Leigh Alexander, and Mr Phil Sanders for their involvement behind the scenes and to Mr Stephen Mirtschin for making the day possible. Last but not least thanks to Olly Hoskyns (Football Captain), Nicholas Gunn, Zac Cunningham, Jack Sharp and Gap Student,
Mr. Joss Boyle for their work on the day.
Mr Stephen Nelson Year 4 Teacher and Oli Hoskyns Football Captain
Thank you to all of the people who played football for College and represented our school. You all showed amazing sportsmanship on the day. Thank you also to the parents who came and supported and made the day possible.
Bella O'Sullivan and Tom Heazlewood Junior School Football Captains