
Our aim in boarding is to support all boarders with their extra-curriculum pursuits, passions, hobbies and interests. So last week it was great to have James Liu competing in the Free Flight event at the Southern Cross Cup for model glider planes. He had a great week away, bringing home fourth place in his event, and we are all hoping that James will agree to give us a demonstration of his skills.
The rowers suited and frocked up for the annual Rowing Dinner on Thursday night. This is a night to celebrate our rowers and their dedication to the sport. A number of boarders were part of the various crews this season, and all should be congratulated for a great season. Awards and trophies for boarders went to the following:
Georgia Hetherington - Coxswain Award
Georgie Snodgrass - Best Oar
1st Girls’ Crew Clare Jackson, Georgia Hetherington, Olivia Hawthorn - Eoin Campbell Smith Trophy
Cavill Family - Brown Family Shield.
On Tuesday, we held a Boarding Committee Meeting, which is an opportunity for us to come together for a robust conversation about what we are doing in boarding. We place great importance on student ownership and leadership in boarding, and it is wonderful to see the students taking on this responsibility with enthusiasm and maturity.
Over the weekend, a group of boarders travelled to Melbourne to attend the VCE and Careers Expo. The time is fast approaching for our senior students to start making decisions about what direction they wish to take as they finish school and think about careers, and I am sure that events such as these are beneficial in demonstrating the many exciting options that are available to our students.
Also over the weekend an equestrian competition was held right on our doorstep at Myrniong. It was great for the boarders to have the home advantage, and a special mention goes to Georgia Hodgetts, Billie Smitheram and Annabelle Hetherington who all did very well.
Anticipation is building in the boarding house for the big Dinner Dance on Saturday night. I am very excited for my first Dinner Dance, and I have been watching in awe as all sorts of preparations involving hair, makeup, tanning, eyebrows and dresses take place. Given the number of online shopping parcels arriving each day in the post, I would advise parents to keep an eye on credit card statements following this event! The Dinner Dance is for students in Years 10-12, but plans are being made for the younger students to hold their own celebrations so they don’t miss out on all the fun.
Finally, good luck to all who are competing in the GD Cross Country this coming Friday.
Mr Alex Smith