KIOSC - Year 7

KIOSC: Mission Mars - Year 7

Last week our Year 7 students and the students from the English Language Centre attended the Earth and Space program at KIOSC.  The students were involved in 3 programs:


Program 1: Building on Mars. Students investigated the importance of construction materials on maintaining a stable temperature within a building.  Using one of seven building materials, students initially investigated how well a building insulates against heating up.  Using this same material, students tested the insulating properties in a cold environment, likened to that on Mars by using dry ice and scoria. Finally, students were challenged to create a building that would lose less than 1 deg in temperature in the martian environment - which a few teams achieved!


Program 2: Programming Robots.  In their introductory year at KIOSC, students code the EV3 lego robots to move precisely to an antennae satellite and push it up.  Once achieved they then needed to return their robots back to base.


Program 3: Virtual Reality. Voted the best activity of the day, students used the VR units as a simulation as to what it might be like to complete a number of mission in repairing and maintaining the various rovers on Mars.


Peter Kos

Leader of Science and KIOSC