Student Expectations

Being Independent at School

I am getting big now and I am learning to manage by myself. Here is a list of the skills we are encouraging your child to develop.

  • I carry my own bag.
  • I know how to unzip and zip up my bag.
  • I check my hat and drink bottle are in my bag every morning
  • I can open and close my lunch box.
  • I know the foods that are good for my strong body.
  • I know which food to eat at recess and which food is for lunch.
  • I have input into what goes in my lunch box.
  • I know it important to eat breakfast.
  • I know the morning routines at school- put bag in locker, unpack belongings, sign in and choose a discovery time activity.
  • I can ask a friend then a teacher for help if I need it.
  • I can manage my own clothes e.g. taking off a jumper and put it in my bag.
  • I can take my shoes off and put them back on when appropriate.
  • I am independent at managing my toileting.
  • I can manage change and I am flexible in my thinking.
  • I have a happy and positive disposition towards our learning.
  • I know I need a big sleep at night time.