
Friday 19 March 2021

From Alice, Parent 



NMPS Active Paths - join in this Friday 19th


8:20 am this Friday 19th join our walk/scoot/ride groups along the four marked routes to NMPS through North Melbourne. 


The paths are near where most of our students live. Many students already use these paths to get to school.


As part of Ride2School Day, we will have leaders guiding family groups along our active paths. Meet at the start of the route, ready to leave at 8:20 am.


Have a look at the map below and find your best path to walk, scoot or ride to school.

If you don't live near these paths, look for your own way to walk, scoot or ride to school. Talk with other families in your area about how they get to school. If you are coming from the city you could tram or drive to the start of one of the active paths and walk the rest.


Map Upload 








If you have any questions or suggestions about safe and active travel to school, please email: nmpstravel2school@gmail.com