Hair for Cancer

World's Greatest Shave


Hey, Hi, Hello, it’s me Zara Bradley from 6JK and I’d like to tell you about the fundraiser called The World’s Greatest Shave. I shaved my hair on March 13th to help families across Australia pay for their accommodation, for tube gene testing and to fund lab costs for research projects. You don’t have to shave your hair, you can dye your hair instead to raise money for the Leukemia Foundation. What is Leukemia? 


It’s a type of cancer of the blood that happens when something goes wrong with your bone marrow. It starts when there is an uneven amount of red or white blood cells in your body. That’s when you get really sick. People of all ages can get it, unfortunately its a common cancer that kids get. Luckily the treatment is very good now.


I really wanted to do this because my Grandpa has blood cancer, our family friend had it, but is in remission and my Aunty’s mum died from it. My mission is to raise awareness and give strength to anyone fighting cancer. 


Shave day couldn’t come quick enough. I wasn’t nervous because I thought, it’s only hair it will grow back. Our neighbour Shannon, who happens to be a hairdresser, knocked at the door at exactly 4:30pm. My family were all around me and my whole head had to be plaited first. Shannon reached into a bag pulled out the clippers and flicked it on and the buzz started. I heard the first bit of my hair being cut off and I instantly put my hands over my eyes and thought there’s no turning back now! It was weird to see a chunk of my hair laying on the table, although knowing it’s going to be made into a wig or used to absorb oil spills in the ocean, made me feel better.


Was it hard to do? - No

Was it worth it? - Yes


I raised over $2500 in a week and a bit and learnt a few things along the way. I learnt that 47 Aussies get blood cancer every day and every 2 hours an Australian dies from blood cancer, that people are really generous, your head gets cold quickly, it takes less time to get ready. I understand that with or without hair it doesn’t define who I am the way my personality does. 


See ya!


Zara Bradley 


Please click here if you would like to make a donation.