Learning Diversity 

Sarah Talbot stalbot@stlouisaspendale.com 

All schools and approved authorities for schools in Australia participate in the NCCD annually. The NCCD collects data about school students with disability across Australia in a consistent, reliable and systematic way. 


The data for the NCCD is submitted to the department as at the reference date of the first Friday in August. In 2021, the reference date is Friday, 6 August. The collection of information for the NCCD is based on the professional judgement of teachers. Teachers determine the category of disability and the level of reasonable adjustments provided to students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. 


Please read the information linked below to understand the NCCD and how this may relate to your child.


If you have any questions, please email 

Sarah Talbot  stalbot@stlouisaspendale.com